Città dei castelli


You are in the land modelled by Latium Volcano. In the small map below it’s easy to locate the remains of the volcanic activities. We can separate them in three types, corresponding to three phases of activity of the volcano. The bigger crater with a diameter of about 10 Km. of which we can recognize the boundary formed by the Tuscolani mounts and Artemisio mount. This crater was born with the first phase of volcanic activity between 600.000 and 350.000 years ago. A smaller crater placed in the center of the biggest caldera and made up by the Faete’s mounts and Mount Cavo was born when the second phase happened between 300.000 and 250.000 years ago. Rests of small volcano like those currently occupied by the Albano and Nemi’s lakes. These craters have been formed by the third activity phase of the volcano. between 100.000 and 20.000 years ago, colled “hydro magmatic” because the explosion happened because of the contact between magma and underground water. In this phase the valleys were in the past filled by water.

The Regional Park of the Castelli Romani 

The Castelli Romani Regional Park was established by the Regional Law number 2 on 13 January 1984, in order to protect the integrity of the natural and cultural features of the 15 municipalities that occupy the ancient Latium Volcano. The protected area of the Park extends on the Alban Hills, remains of the impressive structure of the Latium Volcano. The fertile

volcanic soil and humid climate gave origin to the great beech forests, that covered most of the relief until the Eighteenth century. Other significant evidences of the activity of the Latium Volcano are the lakes of Albano and of Nemi, in whose waters live Tenches, Pikes and Arborelli fishes.

Although the fauna of the park has been strongly affected by environmental change made by man, the territory continues to host some interesting species such as wild boars, weasels, foxes, porcupines, waterfowl and birds of prey.

The Via Francigena in the South: 

from St. Peter’s Square (Rome) to Castel Gandolfo

The Via Francigena is part of a network of ancient routes, also colled Romee routes, that led from Central Europe, and particularly France, to Rome. During the Middle Age the pilgrimage to Rome to visit the tomb of Apostle Peter, was one of the three major pilgrimages , together with the Holy Land and Santiago de Compostela route. For this reason many pilgrims arrived in Italy from all over Europe; most of them stopped to Rome, others travelled toward south arriving to Brindisi, where they embarked for the Holy Land. The route of the Via Francigena in the South that crosses the territory of Castel Gandolfo is marked on the map


Tourism has been identified as an economic launch within and for the territory of the CASTELLI ROMANI, which considering its character and resources, offers numerous possibilities for the creation of inte grated, innovative and alternative tour packages of the most noted destination within Italian tourism.Today, the touristic system of the CASTELLI ROMANI is among the most advanced and complete in Italy as a result of its offer comprising of diversified elements capable of re sponding to the exigencies of different segments of demand. Thus cultural heritage, environment, enogastronomy, and touristic services represent the winning combination present within the CASTELLI ROMANI. Furthermore, the vicinity to the capital represents an added value to this territory, which presents itself to visitors as “Rome around Rome”. Tourism in the CASTELLI ROMANI, regards the narration of a most ancient history: with this territory having been the holiday destination of the noble families of Rome for centuries, as well as the preferred location for writers and painters throughout time, who have captured these territorial marvels in their works, starting with emperors and the noble families of ancient Rome. In reality, the touristic system of the district has the accommodation capacity for approximately 8.000 people, distributed over 300 extremely diverse structures: Historical residence and high quality hotels: characterising the territory is the conversion of antique villas and palaces into charming ho pitality structures that allow for the re-living of a nostalgic olden day charm, between the frescoed rooms, sculptures and marvellous gardens planned by famous architects from long gone days. Medium to high class hotels: an offer particularly targeted to respond to the interna tionally requested demand, with a quality/price rapport that is decisively better in respects to the national average. Agri-tourisms and country houses: these represent the ideal structures for an alternative vacation,teaching the meaning of an “open air lifestyle” with all the comforts of simple yet refined hospitality. The Diffused hotel: this hotel system provides the possibility of ac cessing overnight accommodation in a private residence within some of the most suggestive historical town centres, whilst proving the opportunity to savour the flavours of the daily life lived by the local people. Holiday homes: rediscovering the antique traditions of the Roman nobility, it being still possible today to spenda holiday period in one of the most suggestive localities within the district. Hostels and residences: these represent facilitated solutions for stu- dents and youth in which the qualitative standards that characterize the traditions of local hospitality are respected.


Delicious foods and traditional local products that conserve the ta stes of the past, accompanied by excellent wines, whose production has it roots in the black volcanic earth of the territorial district. These are the essential components of a unique culinary traditional that communicate the simplicity and genuinity of the local people

The porchetta of Ariccia: a product with a mysterious and unique recipe which can only be tasted in the characteristic fraschette (inns in the area of the Colline Romane.

The cheeses: known above all are those made from sheep’s milk, often produced using artesian techniques that have a genuine Taste

Bakery products: first among all breads is that of Genzano, the first in Europe to have attained I.G.T. recognition; excellent are the biscuits, crusts and ring shaped wine biscuits (ciambelline) and the famous “pupazza” of Frascati

The oil: the area is rich with olive groves that produce DO P mar- ked oil, a guaranty of its genuinity and local origins

The wines: certainly the wines of this area are the most famous amongst the various traditional food products typical to the district. There are 11 DOC. wines: Zagarolo Doc, Montecompatri-Co- lonna Doc, Frascati Doc, Marino Doc, Colli Albani Doc, Colli La nuvini doc, Velletri Doc, Cesanese di Olevano Romano Doc Genazzano Doc, Castelli Romani DOC., Cori DO.C.. not to be forgotten are the numerous production of table wines and IGT

The agricultural and organic products: famous is the cultivation of strawberries from Nemi, the peaches from Castel Gandolfo, the numerous eating grapes, the Bellegra figs, the kiwis and artichokes from Velletri.

The structure of the territory and the presence of numerous forest areas, render the production of chestnuts and porcini mushrooms rich and sumptuous. What more can one say…?

The Castelli Romane offers a pleasant stay and we await your pre sence in a celebration that lasts 365 days a year!


Nannì – Na gita a li Castelli 

Guarda che sole
ch’è sortito, Nannì. Che profumo de viole, de garofoli e panzè.

Com’è tutto ‘n paradiso! Li Castelli so’ così.

Guarda Frascati
ch’è tutto un soriso, ‘na delizia, ‘n’amore, ‘na bellezza da incantà.

Lo vedi, ecco Marino,
la sagra c’è dell’uva. Fontane che danno vino. Quant’abbondanza c’è.

Appresso viè Genzano co’r pittoresco Arbano. Su, viette a divertì, Nannì, Nannì.

Là c’è l’Ariccia,
più giù c’è Castello,
ch’è davvero ‘n gioiello co’ quer lago da incantà.

E de fragole ‘n profumo
solo a Nemi poi sentì.
Sotto quer lago un mistero ce sta,
de Tibberio le navi so’ l’antica civirtà.

So mejo de lo sciampagna li vini de ‘ste vigne.
Ce fanno la cuccagna
dar tempo de Noè.

Li prati a tutto spiano so’ frutte, vign’e grano. S’annamo a mette lì, Nannì, Nannì.

È sera, e già le stelle
ce fanno ‘n manto d’oro, e le velletranelle
se mettono a cantà.

Se sente ‘no stornello, risponne un ritornello. Che coro, viè’ a sentì, Nannì, Nannì.

Che coro, viè’ a sentì, Nannì, Nannì!

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